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Preparing your parents for downsizing

Preparing your parents for downsizing

As Christmas is over and we reflect on family time, we notice things about our parents that aren’t apparent in a phone call. You might notice they’re less house proud, put off maintenance or the garden is a bit weedier than you remembered. They might...

Decluttering a home for sale to fund aged care

Decluttering a home for sale to fund aged care

When it’s time for you or a loved one to think about entering aged care, you might discover you need to sell the family home to help with ongoing costs. In a previous article, Succession planning and deceased estate sales, I discussed briefly how to prepare...

Deceased estate planning

Succession planning and deceased estate sales

Selling a deceased estate is never easy because of the emotions involved. When your loved one has lived in a home for possibly decades, the decluttering and other issues can feel overwhelming. However, there’s a better way to approach this inevitability. Planning ahead When we retire, it’s...