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Urgent aged care

Get help with urgent aged care applications in The Hills Shire

So many times I’m approached by clients who need urgent care either for themselves or for a family member or friend. I can (and do) jump in to help … I have many aged care industry contacts and generally can find a spot. However, I believe it’s better to anticipate a need and be proactive by applying in advance for aged care when you believe the need is imminent.

Things that go bump in the night

According to

  • One in three older Australians experienced a fall in the past 12 months.
  • One in five needed to be hospitalised.

As we age, unless we’re doing all those balance exercises we scroll past on Instagram, our balance goes. To prevent falls, you’d be wise to do a regular yoga, tai chi, Pilates or feldenkrais class or recommend a class to an older relative or friend. Fall prevention is the ideal solution; however, what happens when you or a loved one has a serious fall and ends up in hospital?

Those who incur serious injury can often lose confidence in walking and require on-site care. If the person had to have surgery, the person can have memory problems due to general anaesthetic. This is usually when the family springs into action to try to find a place in an aged care facility … and that’s when the trouble starts. Without applying months in advance or knowing the right people to talk to, it’s almost impossible to have someone placed in aged care immediately.

Spinning around

Sudden illness also affects older Australians. From vertigo (common in older women) to heart disease to pneumonia, the debilitating illnesses that can strike suddenly are legion.

An older person living alone might not be released from hospital unless they have some form of community care in place. If the person is over 75, it’s likely the doctor and nursing staff will advise them to move into aged care.

From my experience in this area, I know families and friends are unprepared. The good news is – I’m not.

How to apply for urgent admission to aged care

I’ve discussed some issues that might mean you or a loved one needs urgent admission to an aged care facility. Apart from mobility issues, there are other issues such as dementia that accelerates or even catastrophic weather events that mean you or your loved one is no longer considered to be safe at home.

You could Google urgent admission to aged care and come up with a host of options. However, be warned that all aged care isn’t equal. “Oils ain’t oils”, as it were. Being aged care accredited, I’m in a position to advise you on the best options.

Do you need help with urgent aged care?

My special area of expertise is The Hills District. Working with my extensive network of contacts and drawing on my relationships with aged care providers, I’m in a better position to ensure we find you an aged care facility that’s close to family and friends and in the area in which you or your family member has lived for so long. I’m on hand to jump in at a moment’s notice, help you navigate the complexities of aged care applications and give you a timeline of when each step has to be completed. Get in touch.

Craig Robinson

As a former financial planner, current sales agent and auctioneer, I established my business; Time To Downsize, to help Hills District residents. Working with a range of clients, from people in their 50s right through to people in their 90s, I act as a guide, helping you or your loved one establish a downsizing or rightsizing plan aligned with individual needs, and mapping out key milestones. My job is to help my clients plan their living and lifestyle arrangements for their later years. I make it my responsibility to stay educated and informed on government or legislative changes so that you don’t have to. If you or a loved one has reached the Time To Downsize please get in touch.

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